For inquiries, please contact Chris Moore by email,, or phone, 214-770-1485.

Expert Witness Testimony

I have significant experience as an expert witness in litigation and arbitration proceedings by expert report, deposition, and oral testimony. My testimony covers two areas, (a) damages calculations including Fair Market Values for reserves, contingent resources and prospective resources, and (b) industry custom and practice from a commercial perspective in the application of standard industry agreements such as JOAs, PSCs and other Host Government Instruments. I have participated in about twenty disputes, with recurring themes including cost recovery in PSCs and decommissioning liabilities.

Economic Modelling, Valuations, and Decision Analysis

I have extensive experience constructing original economic models of energy projects, and have pioneered a statistical approach to analysing global exploration and production arrangements to provide an unbiased view of industry custom and practice. I have also worked on extending exploration evaluation, resource estimation, and uncertainty and decision analysis techniques into the financial arena. I have written several articles on these topics, many peer-reviewed.

My services include:

Models are constructed as Excel spreadsheets, which are licensed to clients in perpetuity at no charge beyond the consulting time required to customize them to the client’s needs. The only restriction is that the models are never directly disclosed to third parties, although the results may be disclosed.

Carbon Capture and Storage

The industry is embracing carbon capture and storage. I am familiar with the technical and commercial issues this raises. I have modelled CCS as an add-on to an NGCC thermal power generation facility with carbon capture. Industry models rely on a North American model, with capture and immediate compression to a supercritical liquid and local storage. A broader set of international examples includes transportation as a gas with compression at a remote storage site. My models allow for various fiscal systems for the treatment of the entire value chain.


I can negotiate on your behalf or provide negotiation advice for a wide range of energy transactions. I have experience negotiating with partners and/or governments on aspects of contracts such as terms of concessions, production sharing agreements, and joint operating agreements. My ability to negotiate from strength is based not only on personal experience, but from published studies of the impact of particular terms, and their occurrence as a matter of industry practice.

Company Representation and Management

I can provide company representation and operational and commercial management for client’s non-operated interests in exploration and production ventures.

I have several decades of experience in company representation and management, Tricentrol Oil Corporation, ARCO International Oil & Gas, and while providing representation services to clients while at Moyes & Co. I was a Non-executive Director of an AIM-listed international explorer while providing operational and commercial management services to my client’s international interests.

Corporate Training and Teaching

I provide in-house training on a variety of topics related to energy economics. I can provide training in a variety of formats to suit your needs ranging from seminars to multi-day workshops.

I have several decades of experience teaching courses on Exploration Evaluation, Resource Estimation, and Uncertainty and Decision Analysis. I have taught courses to several hundred oil and gas professionals in the US, UK, China, Indonesia, Mexico, and Nigeria. I taught in-house courses at ARCO and taught numerous seminars on a variety of topics during my tenure at Moyes & Co. I serve as co-chair of the AIPN’s Decision Analysis and Valuation Workshop and have been a member of the faculty for that offering for over a decade.

I lecture on economic analysis, fiscal systems, valuation practices, and competitive bidding theory and practice for post-graduate courses at the University of Texas at Austin and the University of Texas at Dallas. In 2017, I was appointed an Adjunct Professor in the School of Law at the University of Texas at Austin.